Monthly Archives: July 2011

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which Social-Media Giant will Control data ??

The alliance of Facebook, Microsoft, Nokia and Skype has joined forces 

against Internet giant Google,which has applied itself with Apple 

and microblogging service Twitter, 

the social media giants are all battling for data.

The yield of this social boom is data . 

Mountains of information about what interests people, what they like,

with whom they are communicating, where they like to go. Data is what 

turned Google into an Internet giant

Now and after launching GOOGLE+ , Google’s first attempt to combine all of 

its services in a “social network” bringing together YouTube with the Picasa photo

service and Translation function Google Translate among others.

All that fueled by the technical power of Google computer centers and flanked 

by Android as a leading smartphone operating system.

But Google is arriving quite late to the social networking party. 

Facebook has a pretty big head start with 750 million users.

Facebook and Google butt heads over data portability – users have the ability 

to take their contacts out of Gmail and transfer them to Facebook, 

but not the other way around. 

Who has control over user data, the site, the service or the person? 

Should an individual be able to grant access to another person’s data?

The most important now is user data , 

Who controls the data ?

What facebook & google are hiding and what they show to us ?

How web giants are transforming the Internet to suit their corporate interests?

  what facebook& google are hiding ??


Posted by on July 30, 2011 in Featured, Google


Cake The To-Do

CakePHPOne of the powerful frameworks used for making a web applications and making a rapid development for it using PHP . it uses commonly known design patterns like active record , association Data Mapping , Front controller and MVC (model view controller) . it’s free and open source .

Today I’ll write down a simple app. using CakePHP,
this app. will be a simple to-do list . it will make us able to view, add and edit tasks, also it will make us able to view the completed and the pending tasks .

1- We need to create a database for this app. open the MySQL client and type


2- Create a tasks table in the database by typing this few lines

USE SimpleToDoList ;
CREATE TABLE tasks (id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment ,
title varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
done tinyint(1) default NULL ,
created fatetime default NULL ,
modified datetime default NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

Wait a minute !!! , SimpleToDoList is a directory 😀 .
after we knew that it is a directory , move inside the directory SimpleToDoList/app/config . You’ll find a file named database.php.default , rename it to database.php .

3- Open database.php and move to the line number 73, where we’ll find an array named $default. This array contains a database connection options. Assign login to the database user you will be using and password to the password of that user, assign database to SimpleToDoList and the database user and the password of the user in the parameters .now your app. is ready to connect to the database . go to http://localhost/SimpleToDoList and you’ll find that the database file config. is present and Cake is able to connect to the database .

Now we’ll make our first model and the only as we use one table (tasks don’t forget 🙂 ) . now , move to SimpleToDoList/app/models . here, make a file named task.php . in this file type this following code

class Task extends AppModel {
var $name = ‘Task’;

Only this code without white spaces after and before it .

Now we’ll write our first controller which decide what to do with a request made to the web app. . we’ll need one controller which will be Tasks Controller .

Move into the directory SimpleToDoList/app/controllers . create a file named tasks_controller.php . type this code in the file

class TasksController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Tasks';

Again , without white spaces after and before the code .

Now , it’s time to put the features of the app.
we need to view all tasks , so we’ll edit the code in tasks_controller.php

class TasksController extends AppController {

var $name = ‘Tasks’;
function index(){
$this->set(‘tasks’ , $this->Task->find(‘all’));

Do you want me to remind you of the sentence ?!! 😀

Now move into the directory  SimpleToDoList/app/views and create a directory named tasks inside the view directory .

Inside the tasks we just created , create a new file named index.ctp and add the following to it :

<?php if(empty($tasks)) : ?>
There are no tasks in this list
<?php else: ?>
<?php foreach ($tasks as $task): ?>
<?php echo $task[‘Task’][‘title’] ?>
if($task[‘Task’][‘done’]) echo “Done” ;
else echo “Pending” ;

<?php echo $task [‘Task’][‘created’] ?>
<?php echo $task [‘Task’][‘modified’] ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Now , point the browser to http://localhost/SimpleToDoList/tasks/index
Can you picture the output and share it with us ?!! 🙂

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Posted by on July 30, 2011 in Featured, Web


Mobile Botnet

Mobile Botnet is a type of botnet ! ,But what is Botnet !?

Botnet :- Is a type of bot! running on IRC network that has been created by a trojan .

When an infected computer is on the internet the bot can then start up an IRC client and connect to an IRC server .

The Trojan will also be coded to make the bot join a certain chat room once it has connected,

multiple bots can then join in one channel and the person who has made them can now spam IRC chat rooms .

But again what is Bot !? Bot represent robot – a computer program that runs automatically .

*By the way we have one in CATreloaded IRC channel , u can try it 



Robot !?

(1) A device that responds to sensory input.

(2) A program that runs automatically without human intervention. 

Typically, a robot is endowed with some artificial intelligence so that it can react to different situations it may encounter. Two common types of robots are agents and spiders. Go back to Mobile Botnet : we know that it is a type of a botnet . that targets mobile devices such as smart phones , 

attempting to gain complete access to the device and its contents as well as providing control to the botnet creator.  

Mobile botnets take advantage of unpatched exploits to provide hackers with root permissions over the compromised mobile device,

enabling hackers to send e-mail or text messages, make phone calls, access contacts and photos, and more.

Most mobile botnets go undetected and are able to spread by sending copies of themselves from compromised devices to other devices via text messages or e-mail messages.

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Posted by on July 30, 2011 in Software


Thunderbolt Technology

The fastest way to get information in and out of your PC .

 It’s called Thunderbolt Technology .

This technology enables you to transfer data in speed of 10 GB/s …. Yes 10 GB/s 🙂

It gives you incredible flexibility ,high performance expansion is just a cable 

away for new and novel uses, now and future .

What will you do if the transfer speed in your machine is up to 10 GB/s ?? :O

1- You can transfer full-length HD movie in less than 30 second .

2- Also you can Backup 1 year of continuous MP3 playback in just over 10 minutes .

3- Data transfers, sharing data and editing with very high speed

How does Thunderbolt technology work

 Dual-channel 10 Gbps per port

 Bi-directional

 Dual-protocol (PCI Express* and DisplayPort*)

 Compatible with existing DisplayPort devices

 Daisy-chained devices

 Electrical or optical cables

 Low latency with highly accurate time synchronization

 Uses native protocol software drivers

 Power over cable for bus-powered devices

It works as controller that manage the interconnection between PC 

and other devices, so it controls the transmitting and receiving data for both PCI and DisplayPort protocols.







Thunderbolt technology works on data streams in both directions, at the same time,

so users get the benefit of full bandwidth in both directions, over a single cable .

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Posted by on July 30, 2011 in Featured, Software