Category Archives: Google

Playing with the User Interface in Android Part [1]!

Playing with the User Interface in Android Part [1]!

This Topic will discuss playing with the user interface in developing an Android Application..
our Topic will be about how to create the following screens and the next part will be about how to connect between them!>>

here is the Code of View one: res/layout/main.xml

in the previous code ,using the Linear Layout which is used to arrange views in a single row or a single column , then set the width and the height of the layout to “fill_parent”, setting the background of the layout with a hex-dec value .. the orientation of the layout to vertical and the padding to 20..

about the TextView : the value of the width to “fill_parent” and the height to “wrap_content” , the text appears which it’s value saved in strings.xml : res/values/strings.xml , you can change its value easily , I have changed it to CATaZineLive.. then , set its size to 25 and make marginBottom to make good space between it and the next button..

the two buttons : set to them an id , so u can easily call them , set the width , height , textSize, textColor , and onClick : you can easily refer to the button in you code ..

the SignUp Screen Code : res/layout/signup.xml

in the previous code , you will use the TableLayout which is consist of rows and columns to make the view looks good , u will notice that some EditTexts took different input types : textEmailAdress , textPersonName, textPassword .. it depends on the value you will put in the EditText view..

LogIn Form View code : res/layout/login.xml


the code only clarify one new feature which is the checkBox , the user can check it if he/she wants the app to remember the password..

that’s all today .. the next part will let you know how to connect between them and know some new features ..


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Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Featured, Google, SmartPhones Development


Gmail With it's new Dress .

It is clear that Google wants to celebrate Eid Al-Adha Al Mubark with us by a new dress for it’s Gmail .

All of us have observed the new look for Gmail .

Let us know what’s the new …..

Streamlined conversations

 A new view of the responses and discussions in the mail.

Elastic density

 Changing the distances between the elements of mail automatically depending on the nature of the user or device can    be changed as desired by the user.

New HD themes

 provides themes with high quality for good view.

Smarter navigation

 The possibility of modifying the side lists and moving or hiding chat area .

Better search

Searching in the mail appears better and offer advanced options directly in the search box.

And finally , Google said that the changes will be brought to everyone soon , and they have rolling out a switch to the new look link in the bottom right of the Gmail .

A video for it





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Posted by on November 10, 2011 in Companies, Featured, Google, New Technology, Web


Start with google

as most of you must have heard Start with google bus arrived at mansoura yesterday , and ofcourse we wouldn’t miss it ! So here’s our report for the lovely day incase you missed it.

They arrived around 6:00 PM at Misr library , they started by introducing the representative of one of the associations the was originated from Mansoura but is now big and covers all Egypt “SAS” that stands for “Science Age Society جمعية عصر العلم ” , It has programs that aim to spread science among all different levels of the society starting from kids till scientists . The association is one of the sponsors of the competition

Then in the discussion part , small communities that serve the same purpose were mentioned and the association’s representative welcomed any sort of collaboration -interesting no ?-

Make sure you check their website trust me you will be impressed 😉

Then Mr mohammed Aboud started talking about the competition itself , ofcourse starting with the video -actually we made him skip it we all saw it before the session 😀 – but here it is anyway

Then he started explaining the competition phases :

Phase 1 : the submission phase which will end on 31st this month so hurry up If you’ll participate

around 7000 submitted but only 1600 actually completed the submission , it’s expected that t the number will jump to 3000 by the dead line that’s why they wont extend it

a good note is that they limited the number of lines for the description , so be as innovative as

possible .

Phase 2 : 200 projects will be picked and will receive special training about business management and related stuff not that every team must be at maximum of 5 people , 2 will be picked for the training .

Phase 3 : 50 projects will be picked based on the prototypes of their project.

Phase 4 : 20 will be picked -suspense here-

finally , Winning team will be picked , and will receive a prize of 1.2 Millions to finance their startup

as you may guess we were all surprised how come the runner ups get nothing , mr mohamed

replied that there will be tons of investors there, so it’s a win win for whoever reaches phase 4

Note:team will not receive the prize unless they register their company -ouch- .

moving on to the discussion part , we were asked why on earth would google think of doing that ,

quoting wael el fakharany he said “We need people who can dream, who have ideas” . Google is simply investing and they picked Egypt for this because the saw too much potential in Egyptian youth after Jan25 , I was still sad that Wael el fakharany didn’t make it to mansoura 😦

Some equation I liked in the presentation :

القدرة X الرغبة X معرفة الدور = Success

The multiplication means that if one of the factors was zero , it’s all zero

so you CAN do it

you WANT to do it

you’re in the RIGHT PLACE where you can innovate


little hard work will do the trick

So If you have a good Idea you don’t want to miss this chance , Even if you don’t win you will be forced to work on it and humans 101 , deciding to start is always the hardest part.

Follow @Ebda2 on twitter for updates , and ofcourse here’s the website :

Cheers !

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Posted by on October 28, 2011 in Business, Companies, Featured, Google


which Social-Media Giant will Control data ??

The alliance of Facebook, Microsoft, Nokia and Skype has joined forces 

against Internet giant Google,which has applied itself with Apple 

and microblogging service Twitter, 

the social media giants are all battling for data.

The yield of this social boom is data . 

Mountains of information about what interests people, what they like,

with whom they are communicating, where they like to go. Data is what 

turned Google into an Internet giant

Now and after launching GOOGLE+ , Google’s first attempt to combine all of 

its services in a “social network” bringing together YouTube with the Picasa photo

service and Translation function Google Translate among others.

All that fueled by the technical power of Google computer centers and flanked 

by Android as a leading smartphone operating system.

But Google is arriving quite late to the social networking party. 

Facebook has a pretty big head start with 750 million users.

Facebook and Google butt heads over data portability – users have the ability 

to take their contacts out of Gmail and transfer them to Facebook, 

but not the other way around. 

Who has control over user data, the site, the service or the person? 

Should an individual be able to grant access to another person’s data?

The most important now is user data , 

Who controls the data ?

What facebook & google are hiding and what they show to us ?

How web giants are transforming the Internet to suit their corporate interests?

  what facebook& google are hiding ??


Posted by on July 30, 2011 in Featured, Google




Google Introduces ‘Go’ Programming Language

Go is new open source programming language

Rob Pike, a principal engineer at Google said “I’ve never felt as productive as I have working with Go”

Pike says Go’s goal is to serve as a systems language, in the way that C++ or C does today

“It’s fast for development but it also is a true compiled language,” he explained. “We’re opening sourcing it now because we think it’s reached the point of being fun and useful and powerful.”


How did we get here?

1) C and Unix became dominant in research.

2) The desire for a higher-level language led to C++, which grafted the Simula style of object-oriented

programming onto C. It was a poor fit but since it compiled to C it brought high-level programming to Unix.

3) C++ became the language of choice in parts of industry and in many research universities.

4) Java arose as a clearer, stripped-down C++.

5) By the late 1990s, a teaching language was needed that seemed relevant, and Java was chosen.


*A number of successful simpler languages (Python, Ruby, Lua, JavaScript, Erlang, …) have become popular, in part as a rejection of the standard languages.

*Some beautiful and rigorous languages designed by domain experts (Scala, Haskell, …) have also arisen, although they are not as widely adopted.

*The standard languages (Java, C++) are statically typed.

*Most outsider languages (Ruby, Python, JavaScript) are interpreted and dynamically typed.

*Perhaps as a result, non-expert programmers have confused “ease of use” with interpretation and dynamic typing.

*This confusion arose because of how we got here: grafting an orthodoxy onto a language that couldn’t support it cleanly.


#the good

* The standard languages are very strong: type-safe, effective, efficient.

* In the hands of experts, they are great.

* Huge systems and huge companies are built on them.

* In practice they work well for large scale programming: big programs, many programmers.

#The bad

* The standard languages are hard to use.

* Compilers are slow and fussy. Binaries are huge.

* Effective work needs language-aware tools, distributed compilation farms, …

* Many programmers prefer to avoid them.

* The languages are at least 10 years old and poorly adapted

to the current computing environment: clouds of networked

multi-core CPUs.


This is partly why Python have become so popular:

They don’t have much of the “bad”.

– dynamically typed (fewer noisy keystrokes)

– interpreted (no compiler to wait for)

– good tools (interpreters make things easier)

But they also don’t have the “good”:

– slow

– not type-safe (static errors occur at runtime)

– very poor at scale

And they’re also not very modern.

#There is a niche to be filled: a language that has the good,

avoids the bad, and is suitable to modern computing infrastructure:

* comprehensible

* statically typed

* light on the page

* fast to work in

* scales well

* doesn’t require tools, but supports them well

* good at networking and multiprocessing

Go is different

* Go is object-oriented not type-oriented

-inheritance is not primary

-methods on any type, but no classes or subclasses

* Go is (mostly) implicit not explicit types are inferred not declared

objects have interfaces but they are derived, not specified

*Go is concurrent not parallel

intended for program structure, not max performance

but still can keep all the cores humming nicely

… and many programs are more nicely expressed with

concurrent ideas even if not parallel at all


# compiler

* The language is designed and usable. Two compiler suites: Gc, written in C, generates OK code very quickly.

– unusual design based on the Plan 9 compiler suite Gccgo, written in C++, generates good code more slowly

Libraries good and growing, but some pieces are still preliminary

# Testimonials

“I have reimplemented a networking project from Scala to Go. Scala code is 6000 lines. Go is about 3000. Even though Go does not have the power of abbreviation, the flexible type system seems to out-run Scala when the programs start getting longer. Hence, Go produces much shorter code asymptotically.”

Petar Maymounkov (PhD candidate at MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab)


“Go is unique because of the set of things it does well. It has areas for improvement, but for my needs it is the best match I’ve found when compared to: C, C++, Erlang, Python, Ruby, C#, D, Java, and Scala.”

Hans Stimer

Another Go at Language Design


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Posted by on April 29, 2011 in Google, Programming