Category Archives: Business

Start with google

as most of you must have heard Start with google bus arrived at mansoura yesterday , and ofcourse we wouldn’t miss it ! So here’s our report for the lovely day incase you missed it.

They arrived around 6:00 PM at Misr library , they started by introducing the representative of one of the associations the was originated from Mansoura but is now big and covers all Egypt “SAS” that stands for “Science Age Society جمعية عصر العلم ” , It has programs that aim to spread science among all different levels of the society starting from kids till scientists . The association is one of the sponsors of the competition

Then in the discussion part , small communities that serve the same purpose were mentioned and the association’s representative welcomed any sort of collaboration -interesting no ?-

Make sure you check their website trust me you will be impressed 😉

Then Mr mohammed Aboud started talking about the competition itself , ofcourse starting with the video -actually we made him skip it we all saw it before the session 😀 – but here it is anyway

Then he started explaining the competition phases :

Phase 1 : the submission phase which will end on 31st this month so hurry up If you’ll participate

around 7000 submitted but only 1600 actually completed the submission , it’s expected that t the number will jump to 3000 by the dead line that’s why they wont extend it

a good note is that they limited the number of lines for the description , so be as innovative as

possible .

Phase 2 : 200 projects will be picked and will receive special training about business management and related stuff not that every team must be at maximum of 5 people , 2 will be picked for the training .

Phase 3 : 50 projects will be picked based on the prototypes of their project.

Phase 4 : 20 will be picked -suspense here-

finally , Winning team will be picked , and will receive a prize of 1.2 Millions to finance their startup

as you may guess we were all surprised how come the runner ups get nothing , mr mohamed

replied that there will be tons of investors there, so it’s a win win for whoever reaches phase 4

Note:team will not receive the prize unless they register their company -ouch- .

moving on to the discussion part , we were asked why on earth would google think of doing that ,

quoting wael el fakharany he said “We need people who can dream, who have ideas” . Google is simply investing and they picked Egypt for this because the saw too much potential in Egyptian youth after Jan25 , I was still sad that Wael el fakharany didn’t make it to mansoura 😦

Some equation I liked in the presentation :

القدرة X الرغبة X معرفة الدور = Success

The multiplication means that if one of the factors was zero , it’s all zero

so you CAN do it

you WANT to do it

you’re in the RIGHT PLACE where you can innovate


little hard work will do the trick

So If you have a good Idea you don’t want to miss this chance , Even if you don’t win you will be forced to work on it and humans 101 , deciding to start is always the hardest part.

Follow @Ebda2 on twitter for updates , and ofcourse here’s the website :

Cheers !

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Posted by on October 28, 2011 in Business, Companies, Featured, Google


تعاون الكات و عرب هاردوير

يعلن فريق ال – كـات – عن بدء تعاون فعلـي مع شركة – عرب هاردوير – ، و يأتي هذا التعاون في إطار عدة مجالات يسعى من خلالها فريق الكات و عرب هاردوير في تطوير و إبراز المجتمع التقني ب شكل أفضل و نشر الوعي التقني بين كل المهتمين بمجال التقنية الحديثة و المستخدمين العاديين على يد وجوه كثيرة من كلا المجتمعين من خريجي كلية الهندسة والحاسبات والمعلومات و أيضا مجموعة من المهتمين بالمجال منذ فترة طويلة .. و نلتزم بتقديم الأفضل والمفيد ليجلب التعاون ثماره في الفترة القادمة بإذن الله .

نبذة مختصرة عن عرب هاردوير :

يضم الكثير من الخبرات التي تسعى و تساهم دوما في تطوير و نشر كل ما هو جديد في عالم الهاردوير عن طريق موقعه الالكتروني الذي يضم الأخبار اليومية والمقالات و المجلة الالكترونية الشهرية لهم و ذلك مع وجود المنتدى العام الذي يضم قدر كبيـر من أقسام كثيرة في جميع جوانب الهاردوير و السوفتوير أيضا ، فهو الموقع العربي الأول في الهاردوير والمراجعات وفيديو شرح ﻷشهر الشهادات العلمية في مجال التقنية .
و لمزيد من المعلومات عنهم قم بزيارة الموقع الخاص بهم

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Posted by on August 27, 2011 in Business, Featured


Microsoft killers (Alternatives)– part2

Microsoft Killers Part 1


 history of SOGo :

The historical stumbling block for replacing MS Exchange has been Microsoft’s closed, proprietary MAPI protocol

HINT: MAPI protocol ?! Short for Messaging Application Programming Interface, a system built into Microsoft windows that enables different e-mail applications to work together to distribute mail. As long as both applications are MAPI-enabled, they can share mail messages with each other (from WEBOPEDIA) .

  • In 2007 European union orderd microsoft to open its serverl protocols . In order that MS open protocols and MAPI
  •  Afer that samba 4 released , it support Microsoft protocols and MAPI , from this time samba become active alternative . MAPI is key to natively supporting MS Outlook, and to interoperability between Exchange and other groupware and mail servers.

 Zimbra :

  •   Is another commercial many-bells-and-whistles, open source-based server with proprietary add-ons. It includes all the usual goodies: email, Webmail, shared folders, shared contacts, calendaring and scheduling, instant messaging and mobile devices, plus Outlook sync.
  •   Zimbra’s Web interface is called Zimbra Desktop. Zimbra Desktop supports all of Zimbra’s features, and it supports syncing external accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, or any POP3 or IMAP mail. In fact, a feature common to all of the groupware suites in this article is they have excellent Web-based client interfaces, so you don’t need standalone clients like Outlook or Evolution. If you can wean users away from their beloved Outlook you can make administration a lot easier, and not have to hassle with the cost of using special Outlook connectors..


  • based in the Netherlands, also offers native Outlook support. Zarafa is designed to add on to your existing mail server and WebDAV server. An easy way to get acquainted is to set up a Fedora Linux test server, because Zarafa is included in Fedora.

What Sets Linux Groupware Servers Apart?

When you do a Web search for “linux groupware servers” you’ll find many more, such as Scalix, Horde, eGroupware and Kolab — all with similar feature sets. Underneath you’ll find much of the same software, such as Postfix, Dovecot, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Squirrelmail, OpenWebmail, Courier and Linux. The differences are in integration and polish, ease of installation and management, support for proprietary devices or protocols, support for extensions (like Zimlets), and licensing and support costs. It is a feast of good choices.

Carla Schroder is a system and network administrator and author of The Book of Audacity, Linux Cookbook, Linux Networking Cookbook and many how-to Linux articles.

Small Business Computing is on Facebook. Join us on Facebook and interact with the site’s editors, post messages, share your small business challenges and successes, discuss technology and suggest topics you’d like covered on Small Business Computing.

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Posted by on August 18, 2011 in Business, Featured


(1)خمس أسباب تجعلك تفشل أن تكون رائد أعمال

وهبنا الله العقل لنفكر ، ووهبنا الذكاء لنبدع … يدور هذه الأيام مصطلح شائع ألا وهو ريادة الأعمال أو أن تكون انطربرونور (رائد أعمال). هذا المصطلح أصبح شيئاً قوياً في مجتمعنا العربي وعقدت الكثير من المؤترات وورش العمل للتعريف بذلك المصطلح.

يجب أن تعرف أولاً وباختصار أن تكون رائد أعمال تعني أن تكون شخص مجازف

مجازف بمالك بجهدك بوقتك الخ، على حسب ما تعمل. والكثير الآن يسعى وراء كونه رائد أعمال ويملك عمله الخاص.

“كتبت عن أسباب الفشل من وجهة نظري لأني مؤمن بمبدأ “درء المفاسد مقدم على جلب المصالح.

: هنالك 5 أسباب تجعلك تفشل أن تكون رائد أعمال

» سوء التنظيم : فلكي تكون رائد أعمال فلابد من أن تحسب حساب الخطوة الأولى فقط حتى تقف على قدميك ولا تشغل أفكارك وتشوشها فيما بعد ذلك،فأنت شخص مخاطر لذا لا يمكن التخطيط لشيء لم ينفذ بعد

» السعي وراء المال : دائماً وليس غالباً كل من يسعى وراء المال في المشاريع الصغيرة أو المخاطرة يلاقى الفشل فور ظهوره ، فلا تجعل هدفك المال بل اجعل اهتمامك بالجودة والحصرية لمنتجك أو عملك

» الاختيار الخاطيء للشركاء : عند اختيارك لشركاء يساعدونك فى العمل ويكون اختيارك لهم خاطىء فسيكون لهم تأثير بالسلب تجاه تقدمك وتجاه سياستك التى تراها مناسبه لعملك فلابد أن يندمج التفكير بين شركاءك بالعمل لتزيد من الإنتاجية

» ضعف الشخصية : عندما تكون رائد أعمال يجب أن تكون قوى الشخصية لأنك دائماً ما توضع فى مواقف تسدعى الحسم فيها فإذا كنت ضعيف الشخصية لا تستطيع أخذ القرار فانتظر مصيرك مثل الكثيرين الذين لم نسمع عنهم

» اليأس : من المتوقع أن تفشل عندما تبدأ عملك الخاص لكن هذا ليس معناه أنك خسرت ، فمن البداية أنت تعلم أنك مُخاطر ولابد أن تستغل فشلك هذا وتحوله إلى أداة تساعدك في النجاح. كثير من العظماء لم ينجح ابداً إلا بعد سلسلة من الفشل. وتذكر دائماً الفشل أول خطوة فى طريقك إلى النجاح


Posted by on July 16, 2011 in Business, Featured


The Personal Software Process (PSP)

The Personal Software Process (PSP)

The Personal Software Process (PSP) provides engineers with a disciplined personal
framework for doing software work. The PSP process consists of a set of methods, forms, and
scripts that show software engineers how to plan, measure, and manage their work.
Software engineers develop their personal practices when they first learn to write programs.
Since they are given little or no professional guidance on how to do the work,
most engineers start off with exceedingly poor personal practices


when a group of engineers starts a project, they get little or no guidance on how to proceed. If they are
lucky, their manager or one or two of the experienced engineers will have worked on well-run teams
and have some ideas on how to proceed. In most cases, however, the teams have to muddle through a
host of issues on their own. Following are some of the questions every software team must address:
What are our goals?
What are the team roles and who will fill them?
What are the responsibilities of these roles?
How will the team make decisions and settle issues?
What standards and procedures does the team need and how do we establish them?
What are our quality objectives?
How will we track quality performance, and what should we do if it falls short?
What processes should we use to develop the product?
What should be our development strategy?
How should we produce the design?
How should we integrate and test the product?
How do we produce our development plan?
How can we minimize the development schedule?
What do we do if our plan does not meet management’s objectives?
How do we assess, track, and manage project risks?
How can we determine project status?
How do we report status to management and the customer?

Most teams waste a great deal of time and creative energy struggling with these questions. This is unfortunate, since none of these questions is new and there are known and proven answers for every one.

The team software process(TSP)

The TSP provides team projects with explicit guidance on how to accomplish their objectives. As shown in Figure 1, the TSP guides teams through the four typical phases of a project. These projects may start or end on any phase, or they can run from beginning to end. Before each phase, the team goes through a complete launch or relaunch, where they plan and organize their work. Generally, once team members are PSP trained, a four-day launch workshop provides enough guidance for the team to complete a full project phase. Teams then need a two-day relaunch workshop to kick off the second and
each subsequent phase. These launches are not training; they are part of the project.

The TSP launch process

To start a TSP project, the launch process script leads teams through the following steps:
Review project objectives with management.
Establish team roles.
Agree on and document the team’s goals.
Produce an overall development strategy.
Define the team’s development process.
Plan for the needed support facilities.
Make a development plan for the entire project.
Make a quality plan and set quality targets.
Make detailed plans for each engineer for the next phase.
Merge the individual plans into a team plan.
Re balance team workload to achieve a minimum overall schedule.
Assess project risks and assign tracking responsibility for each key risk.
Hold a launch postmortem.
-In the final launch step, the team reviews its plans and the project’s key risks with management. Once
the project starts, the team conducts weekly team meetings and periodically reports its status to
management and to the customer. In the four-day launch workshop, TSP teams produce
written team goals
defined team roles
a process development plan
the team quality plan
the project’s support plan
an overall development plan and schedule
detailed next-phase plans for each engineer
a project risk assessment
a project status report

It’s not the end, you can search for (PSP/TSP) ,it is somewhat new and far from us.

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Posted by on April 15, 2011 in Business, Software